Budo Kombat
Discover the Martial Artist
in You
Technical Striking & Dynamics
Muay Thai | Boxing | Karate
Dojo Location: In-Transition (Mississauga, ON)
Our Aim:
Technical Striking & Self-Defense
To position practitioners with Foundational Knowledge, Technical Skill (both mental & physical) and prowess in multi-dimensional Martial Arts striking and related defense principles which can be built upon subsequently. This, along with developing fitness and character-building traits through Traditional Budo principles (see ‘Dojo Kun’).
An approach to Technical Kickboxing, the roots of Budo Kombat are in that of traditional (old-school) Karate-Do, emphasizing a concerted focus on techniques and methods adapted to the contemporary protocols of the established striking arts of Muay Thai, Western Boxing, as well as the wider dynamic striking arrangements existent in MMA (Mixed Martial Arts).
In this way, the Techniques in Budo Kombat primarily center around punches, kicks, elbows and knees, along with related defense applications and stances/footwork (covering movement, distance, balance, stability, range and effective weight distributions).
The practice of Budo Kombat is a fun way for communities to experience the many physical and mental benefits of Martial Arts in both their contemporary and traditional forms. While the Martial Arts can be lethal when necessary, the practice and demonstration of such crafts shows its beauty, artistry and strength — the roots and traditions of which have been preserved to make a positive difference in practitioners lives.
Whether it is to acquire new physical combat skills (or refine existing), learn to defend yourself, build your fitness levels while having fun, find an outlet to express yourself through martial movement, increase your bodily awareness, or find an avenue for personal growth;
We believe Budo Kombat can provide value in your life.

A Philosophy of Budo Kombat:
It is our objective to improve ones Combative Abilities, Bodily Awareness and Self-Knowledge, and associate the related Skill with Good Character.
Refer to Budo principles — here.
Programs available
Collective Classes at Budo Kombat Dojo
Classes take place at BK Dojo (Dixie/Eglinton @1200 Aimco Blvd) at various times. For more information on class schedule, please refer to the Class Schedule section.
Privates (1-on-1) or Custom Groups @the Dojo
Get 1-on-1 instruction and oversight from one of our experienced instructors.
Such sessions will be highly tailored for individual martial arts and/or technical goals.
Good reasons to book private lessons are for accelerated and supplemented learning, focused technical corrections, learning new martial arts or fitness techniques, and technical preparation for competition.
Mobile Training - our instructors come to you
Don’t have time to commute? Let one of our Instructors come to your residence or facility on days/times that work.
Outdoor Training
When the weather is good, collective sessions are held once or twice a week at a park or the beach. The Technical Aspect of sessions typically center around progressive Padwork.
Updates for days/times/locations will be posted posted in the Bulletin and Calendar.
Kids/Youth Training
6:30PM - 7:30PM —
Monday, Wednesday & Friday with partner Sendokan Aikido (NON-Striking, Traditional Japanese Aikido.
Parents can join as well - please call (416) 418-6786 for more details
>> or visit Sendokan Aikido
Take Action
We believe that all practitioners can work towards achieving the above outcomes while adhering to the Budo principles of our dojo which focus on Respect, Honour, Integrity and Refinement of Character.
Ready to take the next step? Schedule a Trial Class.